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Bennett Nuss, Devin Iorio, Siena Roberts
Apr 30, 20236 min read
Legal tracking: Plea deals are an unjust bargain
The United States criminal court system is generally overwhelmed. According to the United States Sentencing Commission, 57,377 defendants...
Madelyn Nessler
Apr 26, 20233 min read
Human trafficking: The modern-day slavery
Globalization has undoubtedly facilitated the growth of businesses, technology, culture and communication as goods and services are...
Caitlyn Greene
Apr 26, 20234 min read
Juvenile brains are different, their mens rea analysis should be too
Courts should apply a child-centered mens rea analysis for all cases adjudicating juveniles, also known as the “reasonable child”...
Siena Roberts
Apr 26, 20233 min read
Why do we love true crime? The phenomenon behind our obsession
If you go on the Podcast charts on Apple or Spotify, you will find that at least three of the top 10 podcasts are true crime related....
Samuel Disario
Apr 25, 20232 min read
Cruel and unusual or adequate healthcare: Looking at the circuit split
In 1976, the United States Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision where the Court interpreted the Eighth Amendment’s “cruel and...
Sarah Pape
Apr 25, 20234 min read
Running an inherent risk: Executing the innocent
Charles Flores is a man with an innocence claim facing execution on Texas Death Row. Twenty-four years ago, Flores went to prison for the...
Andrew Gamble
Apr 18, 20234 min read
Admission not required: The conflict of repatriation and museums
The trafficking of arts, antiquities and cultural property is a criminal practice that has become inveterate in society as actors look to...
Angela Chen
Apr 17, 20234 min read
“Getaway Car” versus “Slatty:” Lyrics evidence exacerbates racial disparities
Jeffery Lamar Williams, known professionally as Young Thug, is standing trial for multiple charges, including conspiring to violate...
Elena Pomponio
Apr 17, 20233 min read
New Washington D.C. criminal code halted at the finish line
D.C.’s proposed new criminal code stood strong following Mayor Muriel Bowser’s attempted veto of the bill that would impose a rewrite to...
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