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Impartial or ignorant? How “impartiality” is an excuse to exclude Black jurors from courtrooms
Facebook's criminal liability
Urban legends and crime: The stigmatization of mental health
D.C. hearing paves way for legalizing recreational cannabis sales
Survivors want safety, not longer sentences
The path to ending juvenile life without parole
Police accountability under the ADA: Why deaf civilians fear interaction with law enforcement
Guilty of nothing: False convictions for misdemeanors and plea bargains
The criminalization of mental illness
Why local corruption cases belong in local courts
Virginia kills death penalty: How it affects the future of state-sanctioned lynching in the South
The codefendant in Chauvin's trial: Race
Can the law adequately define hate: Punishing the intangible
Why would military veterans commit insurrection?
Revolution or riot? The legal issues of prosecuting the January 6 insurrection
COVID-19's impact on jury selection
Court proceedings and trials during COVID-19
Bail reform: The impact cash bail has on minority populations
Removal of Symbols of Oppression in Courtrooms
Second chances: A look at D.C.’s second look act