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Bennett Nuss
Feb 19, 20224 min read
Legal tracking: Concepcion v. United States
The Supreme Court heard oral argument this term in a case that could substantively change how low-risk prisoners apply for resentencing...
Samuel Disario
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Why queer persons disproportionately experience police violence, how we can fix it
Kayla Moore, a transgender woman, was experiencing a paranoid schizophrenic mental health crisis. Instead of receiving care, she was...
Kevin Botros
Jan 21, 20222 min read
Body-worn cameras: Substantive, distractive or both?
Police Body-Worn Cameras (PBCs) are implemented with various policy goals, but most prominently, they are used to reduce police...
Samantha Hall
Jan 18, 20223 min read
Redesigning youth justice
On Sept. 30, 2021, President Biden proclaimed October 2021 as National Youth Justice Action Month. In this proclamation, he specified...
Lucy Delves
Jan 17, 20222 min read
All you have to do is take a class: Is this really the solution to domestic violence?
When someone perpetrates domestic violence, the solution agreed upon by both parties and the court is often to send the abuser to a...
W. Connor Smith
Jan 16, 20223 min read
Misfire: Virginia’s new firearm prohibition is off-target
In June, Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) signed Virginia’s newest firearms prohibition into law. The statute prohibits persons convicted of...
Emily Gorin
Jan 15, 20223 min read
D.C. Council embarks on rewrite of criminal code
The District of Columbia’s 120-year-old criminal code is finally being rewritten. D.C.’s current criminal code dates back to 1901, the...
Jackie Solomon
Jan 14, 20224 min read
Solitary confinement reform is only for men, apparently
In March 2017, three male prisoners sued the Louisiana Department of Public Safety Corrections (LDOC) and the wardens at the Louisiana...
Kaitlyn Wallace
Jan 13, 20223 min read
Call for reform: Improving access to phones in jail and prison populations
While COVID-19 has drastically affected the jail and prison populations across the country, the pandemic has brought one benefit to the...
Devin Iorio
Jan 12, 20222 min read
Examining Florida's repackaged poll tax
The right to vote is the cornerstone of American democracy. Historically, however, this right has been systemically restricted to select...
Breann Bell
Jan 11, 20223 min read
The unruly world of pleas: Ethics in plea bargaining
Once a frowned-upon practice thought to impede the truth-seeking function of the justice system, plea bargains have become the system....
Ben Crawford
Jan 10, 20223 min read
Prison gerrymandering: A ripple effect of mass incarceration
Across the country, felons are subjected to varying degrees of voter disenfranchisement depending on where they are incarcerated. In all...

Samantha Hall
Jan 9, 20223 min read
Practitioner Profile: Ryan Norman
When crime began to touch him and his family more directly, and he watched his mother no longer feel comfortable and safe in her home, this
Caitlyn Greene
Jan 9, 20227 min read
Encampment closures displace, criminalize D.C. residents experiencing homelessness
On Dec. 21, 2021 the D.C. Council rejected an emergency bill aimed at restricting Mayor Bowser’s authority to remove homeless encampments...

Joshua Azriel, Ph.D. & Jeff DeWitt, Ph.D.
Jan 5, 202257 min read
“We Fight Like Hell”: Applying Brandenburg to Trump’s Speech Surrounding the U.S. Capitol Siege
...this article concludes that the three key elements of the speech test—advocacy, incitement, imminence—are satisfied.
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