Unlocking opportunities: The role of education in juvenile reentry.
The United States juvenile system processes more than 2.5 million juvenile arrests per year. However, for as many juveniles that enter...
Unlocking opportunities: The role of education in juvenile reentry.
Secure D.C.: The omnibus crime bill and its impact on D.C. youth.
Educating incarcerated youth
Juvenile brains are different, their mens rea analysis should be too
The foster care-to-prison pipeline: A road to incarceration
Influence of childhood trauma on perpetrators of mass shootings
Visitation: Can it do more for juvenile offenders?
How HB 459 will update Maryland’s outdated juvenile legal system
Rebranding the school to prison pipeline: From classroom to Zoom room
The path to ending juvenile life without parole
Second chances: A look at D.C.’s second look act